Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blessings on the Journey

This morning we had the dedication and blessing of the trip during worship.  

There were piles of stuff to pack into the 3 vans, and phones that needed to be synched in order to keep communication lines open between them...

A group shot and prayer before loading into the vans...

We all send our prayers for safe travels, and look forward to hearing all about your experiences!


1 comment:

  1. We arrived safe and sound-- actually an easier trip down than I was anticipating. Only a couple of brief traffic back ups. We had a good first evening with a vesper service reflecting on the day's surprises and on our hopes for the days ahead. I wish you could have listened in to the deep things these kids shared about their hopes for this time of service to others! It is a privilege to be participating I this experience of life changing giving of self for others. I know my life will be different because I spend these days with this group! And we will have fun too!
